RAPSA Journal: July 2024

July RAPSA Journal

Welcome to this edition of the Reaching At Promise Student Association (RAPSA) Journal. RAPSA is thankful to
have you here as partners. This edition of the RAPSA journal will include specially curated information focusing on:

The national teacher staffing crisis. Teachers across the country are facing longer working hours and a lower
average base pay compared to other working adults — a trend that is causing burnout according to a new report from RAND.

County Offices of Education provide direct instruction to California county schools' most vulnerable student and At-Promise student populations. Because accountability systems provide information about how each school is supporting its students, the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) highlights the importance and necessity of identifying appropriate and meaningful metrics for schools serving unique student populations such as opportunity youth.

Individuals age 20 to 24 represent a preponderance of young adults disconnected from school and employment. States have invested significant resources in career pathways, improving skills training and experiential learning opportunities at schools and beyond. Yet considerable work remains to integrate these programs, align training and other opportunities to the real-life needs of students, workers, businesses and other employers. Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) finds the state’s economy is leaving a significant share of young people behind.


What’s over-the-horizon for the RAPSA Journal? Future publications of the RAPSA Journal will explore what we could be doing regarding innovation and technology that we aren't? Our nation has historically been a marvel when it comes to supporting and investing in innovation, science and technology. Because of research and public and private partnerships, our nation has led every technical wave since the microchip. RAPSA understands the value of investing in, and exploring how innovation and technology can support educators and school systems.

Research shows that the collective work of communities, schools and public and private partnerships pursuing the same goals can lead to sustainable change. RAPSA believes that collaborative action is central to achieving improved outcomes for At Promise students.

We would like to know how your school is meeting the challenges of innovation and technology for your students, educators and school systems that your state faces. We want to highlight your state and school. Education is often very siloed, this is an opportunity for us to create a repository of best practices to see what people are doing across our nation.

If you would like to participate in showcasing challenges and solutions from your state and/or school, submit an article or blog post to the RAPSA Journal.

Further details and framework will be published soon.